Simple Tips for Effective Gardening To Give You The Best Results
Tips for Effective Gardening
Summer is here which means it’s finally time for you to start that garden you’ve been talking about for months. Whether you enjoy planting flowers for their beauty or herbs and vegetables for all your homemade meals, there are a variety of ways to make your backyard or condo balcony ripe for the picking.
Some seasoned gardeners might already know what they need to make the garden of their dreams, but beginners might have a harder time preparing everything to ensure they get the best results from their efforts. If this is your first year planting a garden full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers, below are a few simple tips to help you throughout your process.
- The sun plays a big role in a successful garden, so study where it falls throughout the day
Everyone’s backyard is different, so it’s important to know the shady and sunny areas of yours before you plan your garden. Watch where the sun hits most throughout the day and where it doesn’t reach at all—different plants and vegetables do better in either location, so before you dive right in, consider what you want your garden to look like. The sunnier the spot, the more watering it will need; having a synchronized schedule will help to keep all your plants alive and thriving throughout the summer.
- Know the pH level of your soil before you start planting
Soil plays a major role in the success of your garden, so take some time beforehand to understand pH levels and how they can affect your plants. Before you start planting, use a pH test strip to understand what your soil has to offer and whether it’s the right level for the kinds of plants you are trying to grow. Not being clear on this beforehand can leave you incredibly frustrated in the coming weeks when you notice your fruits or veggies struggling to grow.
- Prepare what you need
A successful gardener begins with planning a successful supply kit. This includes all the right tools such as a trowel, pruning shears, durable gloves, and a cultivator, as well as materials such as mulch for maintaining soil moisture. Without knowing exactly what you need to create a beautiful garden you might find yourself struggling and spending way more money than necessary trying to maintain it.
- Repurpose your tea leaves for optimal growth
A simple hack for a successful garden is using your leftover tea leaves as protection for your plants in the seedling stage. For example, chamomile can be used to protect seedlings from fungus and maintain a more acidic pH level. There’s really no need to let anything go to waste, which is why Oteas makes it easy to incorporate our products back into the earth that produces them. Try using your leftover Organic Tranquili-Tea for your garden this summer!
- Know your watering and fertilizing schedule and stick to it
Once all your plants, fruits, and veggies are planted it’s time you get clear on exactly how much water and fertilization they all need. Not having an effective schedule will leave you struggling to maintain your garden and frustrated that you aren’t getting the results you want after all the work you put in to start it. Learn about all the differing needs your garden has and implement a schedule that you can stick to for the next couple of months. Feed your garden just as well as you want it to feed you!
At Oteas we aim to be kind to our customers as well as to the planet with our organic and plastic-free products. Visit our website today to try our delicious blends and maybe even use a few of them to help your own garden this summer.